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X-ray Crystallography Center

X-ray Crystallography Center at William & Mary

Director: Professor Robert D. Pike  

Department of Chemistry                          Email:
William & Mary                                            Telephone (757) 221-2540
P.O. Box 8795                                               FAX (757) 221-2715
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

X-ray Diffractometer
Bruker single crystal X-ray diffractometer at William & Mary

Shipping address for crystal samples:
Robert D. Pike
William & Mary
Department of Chemistry
2035 Integrated Science Center
540 Landrum Drive
Williamsburg, VA 23185

X-Ray Diffraction Equipment 

Bruker SMART APEX II: 4K CCD System with 3-circle goniometer, Oxford Cryostream Plus variable temp. system (80-500 K). Full software suites for single crystal and powder determinations. Upgraded in 2016 to DUO system with Mo sealed tube and Cu Imus microfocus sources.

Collaborative Structure Solutions 

X-ray crystallographic determinations are carried out for a minimal charge for academic institutions in the USA, especially primarily undergraduate institutions and those lacking X-ray equipment. Chemists seeking X-ray structures should contact me directly for relevant charges.

X-ray crystal sample submission form (PDF)

Arrangements can be made for academic collaborators and their students to participate in the structure solution process. This can include operation of the instrument during a visit to W&M and use of software to solve and refine data sets and/or to draw publication-quality illustrations of structures. Please contact me if you wish to pursue these options.